拼音: huí tóu shì àn
注音: ㄏㄨㄟˊ ㄊㄡˊ ㄕˋ ㄢˋ
解释: 回头:回过头来;指改邪归正。佛家语;意思是要皈依佛法;就能登上超脱苦海的彼岸。后借来比喻犯错的人;只要悔改;就有出路。
出处: 元 无名氏《度翠柳》:“世俗人争长竞短,你死我活。有呵吃些个,有呵穿些个。苦海无边,回头是岸。”
例子: 只要他们认破迷津,那便回头是岸。(郭沫若《南冠草》第一幕)
辨形: “岸”,不能写作“崖”。
用法: 紧缩式;作谓语、分句;比喻只要悔改就有出路。
谜语: 下河;辞海;过河;船一开出就遇险
英语: turn from one's evil ways
俄语: обернуться и увидеть бéрег
德语: sich vom Weg des Bǒsen abkehren
法语: repens-toi et tu seras sauvé
Buddhist language refers to that a guilty person can get on the "other shore" and get transcendence as long as he changes his mind and corrects his mistakes. The latter is a metaphor for those who do bad things. As long as they are determined to repent, they will have a way out.